
Scientific Research

Three-dimensional granular column collapse Impact of column thickness

作者:Zhang Ruixiao、Su Dong、Lei Guoping、Chen Xiangsheng

期刊名称:Powder Technology Volume 389,2021,328-338


内容:The suitable thickness for investigating three-dimensional granular column collapse has not yet been determined. In this study, granular columns with different column thicknesses and varying aspect ratios ( AR s) (initial height/initial length) were examined by discrete element method simulations, after the numerical model was calibrated based on a previously reported study. The results showed that the normalized final height is significantly affected by the column thickness when AR≥1. As W/d (column thickness/particle diameter) increases, the normalized run-out distance first increases gradually ( W/d < 40) and subsequently becomes almost constant. The coordination number decreases as the distance from the side wall increases, which results in the longest run-out distance of particles at the center. W/d should be not less than 11, 24, and 28 when AR≤0.5, 1≤AR≤4, and AR≥5, respectively, to eliminate the boundary effect in a three-dimensional granular column collapse.






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